1. How many nanometers make one-billionth of a meter ?
2. In relation to astronomy, what is K.B.O. ?
3. What is called the fear of numbers ?
4. What is the colour of elemental Cobalt ?
5. Of what material is the piston of an aeroplane made of ?
6. In relation to heat, what is C.I. and I.C. ?
7. Name the architect or the company which constructed the Bird's Nest ?
8. Identify this instrument-

9. Identify this instrument-

10. It lies at approximately 81.3° North latitude and 110.8° West longitude near Ellesmere Island in CANADA. What is being talked about here ?
11. Of what material is the piston of an aeroplane made of ?
12. Identify the product-

13. On 28 November, 1968, people from 124 UN nations brought with them some soil from their homeland, to be mixed in a white marble- clad, lotus-shaped urn to give rise to an architectural wonder. Name it.
14. Identify this picture-