1. How many nanometers make one-billionth of a meter ?
2. In relation to astronomy, what is K.B.O. ?
3. What is called the fear of numbers ?
4. What is the colour of elemental Cobalt ?
5. Of what material is the piston of an aeroplane made of ?
6. In relation to heat, what is C.I. and I.C. ?
7. Name the architect or the company which constructed the Bird's Nest ?
8. Identify this instrument-

9. Identify this instrument-

10. It lies at approximately 81.3° North latitude and 110.8° West longitude near Ellesmere Island in CANADA. What is being talked about here ?
11. Of what material is the piston of an aeroplane made of ?
12. Identify the product-

13. On 28 November, 1968, people from 124 UN nations brought with them some soil from their homeland, to be mixed in a white marble- clad, lotus-shaped urn to give rise to an architectural wonder. Name it.
14. Identify this picture-

first of all its inQUIZitive n secondly give a little bit more info about dis quiz... like who won it... nd stuff :)
i wrote it after confirming with aranya website.... and it doesn't matter who won it.... it was someone else who got max publicity...atleast among one section of the society
go gippy go!!
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