Q1) Identify this Indian who revolutionized something.

Q4.) This one is a special google doodle. Identify/Explain.
Q.5) The founders of this company named their company 'X' as they liked the word's general definition, which comes from Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift: "rude, unsophisticated and uncouth". Name the company...
Q.6) His real name is Forsythe Pendleton Jones III. He stands at 6 ft (1.8 m) and 140 lbs (64 kg)
He holds two world records for eating pizza; one for speed-eating a pizza, and one for eating the most pizzas in one sitting — 12. He even tied the second record, set by himself earlier that day at another restaurant, where he ate 12 pizzas just to be sure that he could do it.
He is also the drummer of a local band.He possesses a better sense of smell than most normal humans, and can run faster than anyone else in his town. He also enjoys skateboarding. He is an excellent cook, artist, basketball player, baseball pitcher, martial artist, swimmer, dancer, thinker, and gymnast. How do we know him better?
Q.7) The actual origin of this is from Norse mythology. When the pagan Norse converted to Christianity, it is said that Frigga, the free-spirited goddess of love and fertility was banished in shame to a mountaintop and labeled a witch. It was believed that the spiteful goddess convened a meeting with eleven other witches, plus the devil and plotted ill turns of fate.
According to the Stress Management Center in Asheville, North Carolina, an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected due to this. Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they avoid their normal routines in doing business, taking flights or even getting out of bed. It's been estimated that [US]$800 or $900 million is lost in business on a single day.
What is being talked about?
3)400th anniversary of Galileo's telescope
6) JUG HEAD(from Archie's)
7)Friday The 13th.
the answer tho the first one is m.s.swaminathan---father of green revolution and to the 4th one is gallileo's 400th anniversary
is it les paul who is credited with many recording innovations, including overdubbing (also known as sound on sound),delay effects such as tape delay, phasing effects, and multitrack recording.
answer to second question
Great attempts from all....
Here are the answers:
1. M.S. Swaminathan, father of the green revolution in India
2. Les Paul(Lester William Polsfuss) who is credited with the invention of the solid body electric guitar (and many other innovations as states by Aseem...)
3. Galileo's 400th anniversary
4. "A New Beginning" made by Christin Engelberth, a sixth-grader at Bernard Harris Middle School in San Antonio, Texas, Winner of Doodle 4 Google, a school based competition conducted by Google for the best Doodles...the winner of the India version is up on the website today....
5. Yahoo
6. Jughead (one of my favorite comic book characters....)
7. Friday the 13th or the fear of friday the 13th (paraskevidekatriaphobia)
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