Thursday, December 31, 2009


1. Which was the first African - American music video to be aired on MTV ?

2.What is the significance of this image ?

3. Which is the best selling album of all time ? The album is cited as selling as many as 110 million copies worldwide. The only album to have sales above 100 million!!!!!

4. X has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century and beyond, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was once the world's only black billionaire. X is also, according to some assessments, the most influential person in the world. Identify X.

5. Identify the building...

6.  " You asked me earlier if I catch fish - maybe I might use him as a bait to catch a fish... He's soft. He only looks big and strong, but he's soft. "
Identify me and he.

7. The group set a chart record when its first four singles  peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.
    Identify the group and the singles.

8. Identify the lady in white.


Anonymous said...

1. Thriller?

2. Anti gravity lean patent. Smooth Criminal video.

3. Thriller again.

4. Oprah Winfrey

5. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! \m/



8. Nancy Reagan.

Arkantos said...

1. Thriller?
2. Wahi MJ wale boots with which he used to 'lean' during his stage performances.

3. Thriller?

4.Oprah Winfrey
5. The glass pyramid reimds me of the Louvre :)

6. Beyonce and Jay-Z

7. The Beatles?

Kishore said...

1. Black or White ?
2. Boots designed for MJ, for all the great bendy moves :D
3. Thriller ? (yeah I know m pretty narrow minded :D)
4. Michael Jackson !! (hahhahha)
7. Pink Floyd
8. Camilla rosemary ?

Hawk said...

1. Black or White?
2. MJ's boots..used for moonwalking.. don't know the name.
4. Oprah Winfrey
5. Yeah, The Louvre comes to mind, but that's definitely not it..
7. The Beatles?
8. Lisa Mary Presley?? (stupid guess)

ER.KD_77 said...

Well everybody got the first one wrong...

1. Actually it is Billie Jean

2. Pulpfiction if is Anti gravity lean patent. Smooth Criminal video

3. Everybody got it correct..its Thriller

4.Oprah Winfrey

5. I have to give it to Pulp Fiction is indeed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio

6.if u r watching is Chris Gayle talking abt Shane Watson...the recent spat between the two.

7.C'mon guys....its The Jackson 5

8.It is Nancy Davis Reagan....

Hope u liked the questions....

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