I went to one such restaurant where NTA had organized a quiz. The questions were ok, but mostly fact based. Most of them were related to the US (history, people etc) which I found pretty tough..But I managed to find an American team-mate and we managed a humble tenth place amongst 30 odd teams.
Here are some of the questions :
1. Which rockstar is named(or nicknamed) after element with the atomic number 80.
2. How old was Boris Becker when he won his first ever Wimbledon title?
3. What career record of Babe Ruth did Sammy Sosa break?
4. Which country did Lennox Lewis represent at the 1988 Olympics?
5. The name of which famous race-track in the US comes from the name of a famous battle fought during the American War of Independence.
6. In poker, what poker hand follows 'four of a kind'?
7. There are only 13 American cities that play all the four major games (American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Ice Hockey). Name 10 of them!
8. Which city located in Syria is considered to be the oldest city in the world?
9. In which year was the Micheal Jackson 'thriller' video released?
10. Which American state borders all the five great lakes?
11. The Inca civilization is said to have thrived on which mountain range?
12. Will.i.am, apl.de.ap and Taboo are three members of this four member band. Who is the fourth?
13. Identify these people :

(No connections or something...just identify..LOL..but it was tough...I didn't know Sheldon Cooper's real name!)
There was an audio round(name the song title)...10 songs...I was able to identify only 4 :
Feel Good Inc. (Gorillas), Wake me up when September ends(Green Day), Skater Boy (Avril Lavigne) and New Divide (Linkin Park)
Well nice quiz.. too straight forward n fact based, not like we do it here.. but then may be u can introduce them to some more fun n interesting ways of quizzing!
I'm sure it must have been a high scoring quiz.
Here i go :-
1)Freddy Mercury
2)17 (youngest ever to win wimbledon)
4) Canada
11)Machu Pichu
12) Black eyed peas
13 AL pacino , lady from Glee , Jim parsons and Padmalakshmi!
Yup..it was a high scoring quiz. I thought the quizzes here would be dumb...well at least that wasn't the case. Yeah...I think these people would really love our style of quizzing..let me think how I can get people to do our kinda quizzing :)
Good answers from you!
Here are the answers :
1. Freddie Mercury
2. 17
3. Most number of career 'walks'
4. Canada
5. Saratoga (its also the name of horse racing movie starring Clark Gable)
6. Full House
7. New York city, Washington DC, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, San Francisco
8. Damascus
9. 1983
10. Michigan
11. The Andes
12. Fergie (Black eyed peas)
13. Al Pacino, Jane Lynch, Jim Parsons and Padma Lakshmi
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