Q.1) X is a famous scientist who is known for the discovery/isolation of Oxygen. But his scientific exploits were overshadowed by theological ones which went on to spark off a terrible riot in the 18th century known as the Birmingham riots or the X riots. Who is X (pic shows his potrait)?

Q.2) Identify these two guys and what is their claim to fame?

Q.3) This term had been used for centuries to describe a melee; a fierce battle between two or more opponents. The term gained popularity during World War II. The first written reference to the modern day usage of the word comes from Fly Papers, by A. E. Illingworth, in 1919, “The battle develops into a ‘________’, small groups of machines engaging each other in a fight to the death. What term?
Q.4) Given below is an exhaustive sequence. Who is the third person in the sequence and what is the funda?


3. ??????????
Q.5) This is a painting by Jean-Pierre-Louis-Laurent Houel (the name of the painter is not important, but i have included it just make the question sound tougher :P) depicting a famous historical event. Name the event.
Q.6) Name the book and its author. (Hint : I am very much looking forward to its release)

Q.7) Its first recipe was created in 1801 by Sandy Addison and this product went on to become an instant success. The commercial production of this condiment was largely initiated by a company X in 1876 which advertized this product as : "Blessed relief for Mother and the other women in the household".
The name of this recipe/product comes from a Malay/Chinese word that means brine of fish.
Name the product and the company X.
Q.8) Identify these amazing animals whose name is derived from an Old Norse word meaning "corpse", in reference to the animal's greyish, mottled pigmentation, like that of a drowned sailor. The scientific name, Monodon monoceros, is derived from Greek: "one-tooth one-horn".