1.This is a replica of a famous person kept in Ripley's museum....ive read about him in my english book in school.....identify???

2.His last name has come into the English language as a byword for miserliness and misanthropy. His catchphrase, "Bah, humbug!" is often used to express disgust with many of the modern festival traditions.



6.Operation-------x------ was the United States Army Air Forces effort to capture and evaluate German aeronautical technology during and after World War II.

wat an amazing question!!!!! brilliant yaar...mazaa aa gaya!!!
The connect is 'Seven Deadly Sins'
1. i think his name is Walter Hudson. We read about him in class 8th i think :). The Sin : Gluttony
2. Ebenzer Scrooge (how can one forget his 'Bah! Humbug dialog...brilliant ques :)) The Sin : Greed
3. Sloth (cute lil animal ;)) The Sin : Sloth
4. A pride of lions. The sin : Pride
5. dunno the movie. But the sin has to be Envy. Has the movie anything to with equivalent exchange??
6. Operation Lust?? (something to do with the Luftwaffe??) The sin is Lust
7. Achilles played by Brad Pitt, known for his Wrath. The sin : Wrath...
Your subtle hints were simply amazing...
connect is seven deadly sins...
aah brilliant answer friends....arkantos gave all the correct answers.....in 5 the movie is envy........and in 6 the operation is Operation LUSTY (LUftwaffe Secret TechnologY) ....
Amazing question by an amazing FMA fan :D
u know brad pitt was an extra hint bcoz oh his movie se7en.....
also the fact that fullmetal alchemist has humunculi named envy greed n lust....thats y it was the king clue...
Dude.. Fullmetal Alchemist has has homonculi named after each of the seven deadly sins..
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