- What is this ?
- Identify the organization
- “What you think Imaginary is what we make real”
- The following data is about an org. X
Formed: April 1853
Revenue: $ 19.13 Billion
Employees: 1,406,430 (as of 2007)
Name X.
- Name the poem and the poet
“In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.”
i can guess the poem..its twinkle twinkle by jane taylor...
spot on !! :)
3. Tagline of our techfest Aranya....
3. Aranya :P
4. Indian Railways
ppl...how do we post questions on the blog???
i just know indian railways and aranya........give some hints on first two.....
jack pl xplain ur :P
nice attempts guyz...
okay hints for the first two
1. It is a festival
2. The pic is a FLAG, not a logo (u might've deciphered this already)
@kadyannikhil: u need to sign into blogspot first, then the option appears at the top right section of the page.
is the first one related to beer festival of germany??
nope, its not that tough :)...the festival is ancient (though thats obv frm d pic)
well all i know is current affairs..even minimal in that...
anyways u are the one from ludhiana??
I'll try to post more on curr affairs..
act I belong to hyd n nw m living in guj
arey nahi yaar...
apne interest ke questions pe raho..
no need to focus on specially what people ask for..
Might it be Saturnalia?
nice ! though I think that's the only ancient festival u know....moreover since I hd put up a Q frm aranya...u might've guessed :P :P
only no. 2 was left and d ans is....it is d official flag of 'flags of the world' org. & is devoted to all kinds of flags in the world
superb answer...ur good name ?
i didnt look at the previous posts and i believe that u must have discussed and disclosed the answers by now. Well here are my attempts :
1. Looks like a celebration or a festival. And since answer to question no 3 is aranya, I wud guess this one to be Saturnalia. The pic has its famous 3 elements : music, food and sex :)
2. The flag of the Ancient olympics ??
3. Slogan of Aranya, the 'biggest' techfest of northern india. (Biggest in terms of goof-ups probably :))
4. Indian Railways or Indian Postal Service...
5. John Keats?? (it seems to rhyme...In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, And miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep)
hahahahaha. Both John Keats and my english teacher wud crucify me for posting this answer!!! :)
hahaha....gr8 attempt !
The answers are:
1. Saturnalia...(kudos to vatsan's ans)
2.Its the flag of "flags of the world", an internet vexilollogical org dealing wid flags.
3.Aranya..(evryone got it ryt)
4. Indian railways, the largest bureaucracy in the world
5. Twinkle twinkle little star, by Jane taylor. (brilliant ans by knyghtryder)
Damn!! I should have paid more attention when i was in nursery :P
no use :)...in india they only teach us 2 out of 5 stanzas...
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