Friday, July 3, 2009


So you ppl have been having all this fun alone for some time and I couldn't join in because of some idiotic broadband problems but now i'm back and I do have some questions for all of u..........let us see how do u fare in them???????

1.) Have to start with a connect:



Q-2: ______x____ is published by Parker Brothers since Charles Darrow patented it in 1935, approximately 750 million people have used it, making it "the most used (commercial) product in its respective category.The mascot is a monocle-wearing man, wearing morning dress, named Rich Uncle Pennybags. what is this x????

Q-3: This place was a very secret location in its time.........its legend was even more popularized by a very famous video this legendery place which now lies in ruins???????

Q-4: It is a form of Japanese ritual suicide by disembowelment. _____x_____ was originally reserved only for samurai. Part of the samurai honor code,_____x_____ was used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies, as a form of capital punishment for samurai who have committed serious offenses, and for reasons that shamed them. It is performed by plunging a sword into the abdomen and moving the sword left to right in a slicing motion.It is also name of a human gene type and a famous computer virus.Identify x.

you do not need to fill in the blanks, just tell me what are all these chapters of??????
Chapter 1: 2
Chapter 2: The Blood Splattered ________
Chapter 3: The Origin of O-Ren
Chapter 4: The Man From Okinawa
Chapter 5: Showdown at House of Blue Leaves
Chapter 6: The Massacre at Two Pines
Chapter 7: The Lonely Grave of Paula Schultz
Chapter 8: Cruel Tutelage of _______
Chapter 9: _____ and I
Last Chapter: Face to Face.

Q-6: How can u connect: a district in canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland, a very famous psychological test and a rather infamous superhero???????

Q-7: .During the American Civil War, the common term used in the United States was "skirmisher". Throughout history armies have used skirmishers to break up enemy formations and to thwart the enemy from flanking the main body of their attack force.They were deployed individually on the extremes of the moving army primarily to scout for the possibility of an enemy ambush. Consequently, a "skirmish" denotes a clash of small scope between these forces.In general, a skirmish was a limited combat, involving troops other than those of the main body.The term "______" was not in widespread use in the United States until after the American Civil War.So what is this now commonly used term??????

Q-8: A rather difficult connect.....explain the funda too if by any chance u think u get it......



Connect a word derived from a pali word that means "blowing out" and following 2 pictures?


Q-10 : Give me the names of following 3 gentlemen and a connect between them too.......




Hawk said...

1. Pussy Cat Dolls :P :P
2. (Saw the answer on the net, so won't attempt)
4. Kamizake??
5. Kill Bill
6. Rorschach (Great question :D)
8. The second picture looks like something from Star Wars. Something to do with the Jedi maybe??

Note on the quiz master: Please read the hint to question 1 carefully, it'll tell you a lot about him :P :P

Arkantos said...

1. Pussy cat Dolls??
2. Monopoly
3. Castle Wolfenstein
4. Hara-kiri
5. Kill Bill
7. Conflict?
8. Zionism (The person in pic is Haile Selaase I...the founder of rastafarianism and one who preaches zionism and the 2nd pic is from the matrix showing a pic of zion)
10. American Presidents?? and the 1st one teddy roosevelt??

IvjyotSingh said...

since a noob just dropped in..
so numbers only for those i think i know..

2. Monopoly(god bless google!!)
4. Seppuku(dedicated to my aspirations to become a samurai one day!! ;) )
5. Kill Bill(seriously a give away)
6. Rorschach( u talk too much!! xD )

odysseus said...

ok so pulkit has got 5 and 6 right.....vats has nailed 2,4,5 and ques 3 the game is correct but i want name of the castle..............dreadlord has all correct attempts
imp note: i think this is a lil' bit difficult quiz so we can keep a wager on it.....anyone who solves all the questions within a week from today will get a special cash prize of Rs50 from me,but i need a good explanation for each question and net usage is open may help u in some of the questions but try to answer yourself.all of them are easily gettable and ive provided hints for 1 and 9 in their pictures, enlarge them to have a better of luck to you all.....

odysseus said...

by the way a brilliant answer by vatsan....i thought zion was my toughest question.

udit veer said...

sad... so many answered b4 i cud even attempt... blame it on batlle of the ANDY's in d wimbledon semi-final...

well ill try an answer d one which have yet not been answered...

1)well.. r u referring to d grammy award winning latin singer named INDIA ... d 3rd one is her pic 4rm one of her album covers.. u have written d english translation of our national anthem where her name shud be i.e. INDIA

7) "skirmiser" refers to d infantry .. d lightly armoured cavalry soldiers who stand in front of d their army in d battle..

9)NIRVANA.. the clues in d pic helped a lot... it means blowing out

1st pic shows d poster of d movie named nirvana

n d 2nd pic shows d pipal tree or d BODHI ( englightement) tree situated in bodh gaya ...under which lord buddha attained enlightnment.. nirvana is a concept of buddhism..

10 )1st pic .. may be of Amon Goth , the brutal nazi officer who runs d concentration camp in Plaszow . where oskar schindler had set up his factory

2nd pic.. may be of Itzhak Stern , oskar schindler's accountant

3rd pic .. id certainly of oskar schindler himself ( i donno how i remember his face)

well d connect can be oskar schindler .. the great man who saved many jews by giving dem redundant jobs in his factory n helping dem escape d holocaust or cud be d movie Schindler's list

Hawk said...

Is the first answer 'Slumdog Millionaire'?.
The three pics can easily lead to Pussycat Dolls, and the hint you've given translates to 'Jana Gana Mana Adhinayak' from the national anthem, with 'Jaya He' missing. And 'Jai Ho' is the song they remixed from Slumdog.

Hawk said...

Oh and I found the answer to Q7 on Wiki, as you said net usage was open. The term is 'Sniper'. And there was no way for us to get that!! There's no relation between a skirmisher and a sniper!!!

udit veer said...

dear sparrow.... i totally agree wid u..d skirmisher question is toooo vague n d term skirmisher was used 4 oder technical warfare terms it evolved into a sniper n also cavalry n infantry..which was more related to its original usage... n both d data is on wiki....

i guess dis is what happens when we rely too much on wiki 4 question formation.. dey get misleading n ambiguous...

n i hpe d logic behind answer to question 1 is nt what u gave... n if it is.. i hpe ders more to d logic.... coz d 3rd pic denotes a singer who i donot think has nething to do wid pussycat dolls...n has a lot to do wid INDIA , its her name..

m interested in knowing who is d girl in d first pic.. coz she is definitely not a pussycat doll

udit veer said...

well i would like to modify mi answer to question 10 a bit

pic 1:- Claus von Stauffenberg, one of the key plotters of the July 20, 1944 plot by German army officers to assassinate Adolf Hitler.... d person on whom d movie VALKYRIE is based...

PIC 2:- Wladyslaw Szpilman...Jewish-Polish pianist, composer, and memoirist. protagonist film The Pianist, w based on his autobiographical book recounting how he survived the Holocaust.

pic 3:-is of oskar schindler..German industrialist. who saved Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories,located in Poland .. d movie SCHINDLER 'S LIST IS BASED ON HIM

and the connect is dat all 3 personalities are immensely famous holocaust stories ...and all 3 have movies made after dem recounting their holocaust experinces

odysseus said...

so at last all the answers have been found and i would like to congratulate udit and pulkit for a splendid effort............the answers in right order with logic are as follows:

1.)the answer is India....the pictures are of the grammy award winning singer,the cat of g.w.bush and a pornstar named india.....the lines indeed are English translation of our national anthem.

3.)the correct answer is Wolf's lair bunker of Adolf hitler.
7.)now this question led to some controversy.i wanted to frame a question on snipers and i didnt want to get any fact wrong so i used exact words from wikipedia....although sniper wasnt too tough an answer and again skirmishers aren't any ordinary infantry they are the infantry having ranged weapons and if you know that then you it was easy to figure out sniper as the answer unless ofcourse u use WIKIPEDIA to search for skirmisher and read only Ist line of the article.
8.)Zion or Zionism..vatsan explained the right funda.
9.)Nirvana is totally correct another brilliant answer by udit the movie pic some lines from man who sold the world are given....
10.)Again personalities connect correctly identified by udit in his last post.......

so it was a nice experience of this and you people never fail to amaze me with such great im looking forward to the time when we can meet & have the real thing once again.......until then

Arkantos said...

Glad to note that the blog is running gr8 now...plz keep on posting...i dont want to be the only one who blogs...and pertesh...plz chk the previous questions as well...udit's quiz was fantastic and mine was painstakingly put up (14 questions to a mega connect)

ur questions were gr8 as well. Castle Wolfenstein and the connects are imba quiz questions to be asked in a quiz show...i agree tht sniper question was a bit difficult to understand but the trivia behind it is awesome...gud one...

udit veer said...

yeah nice quiz... had fun ... especially in d last one.. i now noe how i remembered oskar schindler's face... i have joined his fan page on FB.. so i have seen it quite a lot.. n d oders just struck me.. fanous movie characters related to holocaust...hehe

pornstar named INDIA!!!!! whoaa... waise was a bit abstract connect ... but got to noe dat ders a quite a famous latin singer n not so famous pornstar named india...

overall a really nice quiz.. kudos to pertash n all d people who attempted it ... cheers!!!

udit veer said...
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odysseus said...

yar i opened the answers tab and got to know the answers beforehand so thought it was better not to attempt.......will take care from next time.......ur quizzes were awesome too and it is heartwarming to know that pulkit and others are taking interest vividly in blog too....

Hawk said...
